Thursday, July 31, 2008

راز کی بات

اس براعظم میں عالمگیری مسجد کے میناروں کے بعد جو پہلا اہم مینار مکمل ہوا، وہ مینارِپاکستان ہے۔ یوں‌تو مسجد اور مینار آمنے سامنے ہیں، لیکن انکے درمیان یہ ذرا سی مسافت تین صدیوں پر محیط ہے، جس میں سکھوں کا گردوارہ، ہندوؤں کا مندر اور فرنگیوں کا پڑاؤ شامل ہیں۔ میں‌مسجد کی سیڑھیوں‌پر بیٹھا ان تین گمشدہ صدیوں کا ماتم کر رہا تھا، کہ مسجد کے مینار نے جُھک کر میرے کان میں ایک راز کی بات کہ دی:

"جب مسجدیں‌ بے رونق اور مدرسے بے چراغ ہو جائیں۔ جب حق کی جگہ حکائیت اور جہاد کی جگہ جمود لے لے۔ جب ملک کی بجائے مفاد اور ملت کی بجائے مصلحت عزیز ہو، اور جب مسلمانوں‌کو موت سے خوف آئے اور زندگی سے محبت ہو جائے، تو صدیاں یونہی گم ہو جایا کرتی ہیں"

Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"


Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hamarae Halaat kyoon naheen badaltae

Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"

Kyaa ham Allah ko Dhauka dae rahae haen

Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"

Love of Hazrat Uthman Ghani (Radiallahu anhu)

A man approached the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him and his family) for assistance so that he may be able to get his daughter married. Rasulallah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) sent him to Uthman (Radiallahu anhu). When he arrived at Hazrath Uthman's door he found him scolding his servant for putting extra salt in the food. He quickly left and went back to the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) thinking that if the servant was being scolded for using extra salt, what would such a man give him. The Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) sent him back to Uthman (Radiallahu anhu). This time he found Uthman (Radiallahu anhu) scolding another servant for making the wick of the lamp too thick and hence oil was being wasted. Again the man left and went back to the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Rasulallah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) sent him back and he found Uthman (Radiallahu anhu) resting and relaxed. Quickly he told Uthman (Radiallahu anhu) that Rasulallah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) had sent him and he stated his need. As soon as Uthman (Radiallahu anhu) heard the name of Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) he stood up and told him to take whatever he needed from the house. The man was surprised since he thought that Uthman (Radiallahu anhu) was miserly because of what he had witnessed earlier. Hazrath Uthman (Radiallahu anhu) asked him why he had not stated his case in the earlier two visits. He explained the situation to Uthman and Hazrath Uthman (Radiallahu anhu) explained to him that everything he owns including his life is the property of Rasulallah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), hence he could not tolerate waste of the masters property. Since the master had sent him, he has put everything at his disposal. Hazrath Uthman's actions teach us that Faith (Iman) is to love the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him and his family). To accept him as the owner (maalik) of ones life, faith, the world one lives in, and owner of everything.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

عقیدہ توحید اور واقعہ معراج

عقیدہ توحید مومن کے ایمان کا مرکز و محور ہے۔ شرک کا سایہ بھی انسان کو دائرہ ایمان سے خارج کر دیتا ہے۔ سفر معراج حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کا ایک معجزہ ہے اور معجزہ رب کائنات کی قدرت مطلقہ کا مظہر ہوتا ہے۔ سفر معراج میں بھی توحید ربانی کے پرچم ہر طرف دکھائی دیتے ہیں۔ آدم سے حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم تک تمام انبیاء جس آسمانی ہدایت کے ساتھ مبعوث ہوتے رہے اس کا مرکزی نقطہ بھی توحید ہی تھا کہ وہی ذات بندگی کے لائق ہے اور اس کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں۔ وہ وحدہ لاشریک ہے، کوئی اس کا ہمسر ہے نہ ثانی، نہ اس کی کوئی انتہا ہے اور نہ ابتداء ہے۔ وہ ازل سے ہے اور ابد کے بعد بھی وہی ہے۔ جب کچھ نہ تھا تو وہ تھا جب کچھ نہ ہو گا تو پھر بھی اس کی ذات یکتا و تنہا ہو گی۔ اس ذات کو نہ اونگھ ہے نہ زوال، وہ ہر حاجت سے پاک اور مبرا ہے اور وہ ہر کسی کا حاجت روا ہے۔

امم سابقہ نے اکثر و بیشتر مسئلہ توحید کے بارے میں ٹھوکر کھائی ہے۔ ان کے اکثر افراد (الا ماشاء اللہ) نے اپنے نبی کو اس کے کمالات و روحانی تصرفات دیکھ کر الوہیت کے درجہ پر پہنچا دیا۔ ان میں سے کسی نے نبی کو خدا کا بیٹا کہا اور کوئی تمثلیث کا قائل ہو گیا۔ گویا نبی کو مقام نبوت سے ہٹا کر خدا کا شریک ٹھہرا لیا تاہم امت مصطفوی کو یہ شرف و افتخار حاصل ہے کہ نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے عطا کردہ عقیدہ توحید کی تعلیم ان کے قلوب و اذہان میں اس درجہ راسخ ہو گئی کہ اس پر شرک کی گرد پڑنے کا بھی کوئی احتمال باقی نہ رہا۔

اپنے حبیب صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کو قرب کا انتہائی مقام تفویض کر کے ارشاد ہوتا ہے اوحی الی عبدہ ما اوحی ''ہم نے اپنے بندے کی طرف وحی کی''

اللہ اللہ! بندگی کا کیا مقام ہے کہ خدائی کا مختارِ کُل بنا دیا جائے، سارے الوہی خزانوں کی کنجیاں محبوب کے ہاتھوں میں تھما دی جائیں، جہاں تک اپنی شانِ ربوبیت ہو وہاں وہاں تک محبوب کو رحمت اللعلمینی کا تاج پہنا دیا جائے، مقامِ قاب قوسین اوادنی پر بلا کر جلوہء مطلق سے بہرہ یاب کر دیا جائے۔۔۔ اور پھر بھی حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم " بندہ" ہی رہے۔ عقیدہ توحید میں کسی قسم کے خلجان اور التباس کی کوئی گنجائش نہیں کہ خالصیت اور عبدیت کے فاصلے کا پاٹنا ناممکنات میں سے ہے۔ اس فاصلے کو برقرار رکھنا بہرحال ناگزیر ہے۔

Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"

معراج مصطفیٰ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اور مقامِ عبدیت

معجزۂ معراج نسل انسانی کی تاریخ کا وہ سنگ میل ہے جسے قصر ایمان کا بنیادی پتھر بنائے بغیر تاریخ بندگی مکمل نہیں ہوتی اور روح کی تشنگی کا مداوا نہیں ہوتا۔ معراج النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم تاریخ انسانی کا ایک ایسا حیرت انگیز، انوکھا اور نادر الوقوع واقعہ ہے جس کی تفصیلات پر عقلِ ناقص آج بھی حیران و ششدر ہے۔ اسے کچھ سجھائی نہیں دیتا کہ سفر معراج کیونکر طے ہوا؟ عقل حیرت کی تصویر بن جاتی ہے، مادی فلسفہ کی خوگر، اربعہ عناصر کی بے دام باندی عقلِ انسانی یہ سمجھنے سے قاصر ہے کہ انسان کامل حدود سماوی کو عبور کرکے آسمان کی بلندیاں طے کرتا ہوا لامکاں کی وسعتوں تک کیسے پروز کرسکتا ہے اور وہ کچھ دیکھ لیتا ہے جسے دیکھنے کی عام انسانی نظر میں تاب نہیں۔ اس لئے حدود و قیود کے پابند لوگ اس بے مثال سفر معراج کے عروج و ارتقاء پر انگشت بدنداں ہیں اور اسے من و عن اور مستند انداز سے مذکورہ تفصیلات کے ساتھ بھی ماننے کے لئے تیار نہیں ہوتے اور ایسے ایسے شبہات وارد کرتے ہیں اور تشکیک کا ایسا غبار اڑاتے ہیں کہ دلائل سے غیر مسلح ذہن اور عام آدمی ان سے متاثر ہوئے بغیر نہیں رہ سکتا اور دیوار ایمان متزلزل سی ہونے لگتی ہے۔

نبی آخرالزماں صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے معجزات میں معجزہ معراج خصوصی اہمیت کا حامل ہے۔ تاریخ انبیاء کی ورق گردانی کی جائے تو ہمیں معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ اپنے برگزیدہ رسولوں اور نبیوں کو اللہ رب العزت نے اپنے خصوصی معجزات سے نوازا۔ ہر نبی کو اپنے عہد، اپنے زمانے اور اپنے علاقے کے حوالے سے معجزات سے نوازا تاکہ ان کی حقانیت ہر فرد بشر پر آشکار ہو اور اسے ایمان کی دولت سے سرفراز کیا جائے۔ چنانچہ ہم دیکھتے ہیں کہ حضرت موسیٰ علیہ السلام کی امت چونکہ جادو میں کمال رکھتی تھی، ہزاروں جادو گر دربار شاہی سے وابستہ ہوتے، اس لئے خالق کائنات نے بھی اپنے نبی کو جادو کے ان کمالات کا توڑ کرنے کے لئے معجزات عطا کئے۔ اسی طرح حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کے دور میں طب کا بڑا چرچا تھا۔ چنانچہ حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام مردوں کو زندہ کردینے اور کوڑھیوں کو تندرست کر دینے کی قدرت سے فیض یاب تھے۔ پس ہر نبی اپنے وقت کے ہر کمال سے آگے ہوتا ہے۔ امت جس کمال پر فائز ہوتی ہے نبی اس کمال پر بھی حاوی ہوتا ہے۔

اب نبی آخرالزماں صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کو تشریف لانا تھا۔ باب نبوت و رسالت حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے ساتھ بند ہو رہا تھا۔ ختم نبوت کا تاج سر اقدس پر سجایا گیا۔ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم خاتم المرسلین قرار پائے چنانچہ آقائے دو جہاں صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کو ایسے معجزات سے نوازا گیا جن کا مقابلہ تمام زمانوں کی قومیں مل کر بھی نہ کرسکتی تھیں۔ اللہ رب العزت کو معلوم تھا کہ آئندہ آنے والی اقوام چاند پر قدم رکھیں گی اور ستاروں پر کمندیں ڈالیں گی لہذا اللہ تعالیٰ نے اپنے محبوب نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کو مکان و لامکاں کی وسعتوں میں سے نکال کر اپنے قرب کی حقیقت عطا فرمائی جس کا گمان بھی عقل انسانی میں نہیں آسکتا تھا۔ حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے باقی تمام معجزات اور دیگر انبیاء و رسل کے تمام معجزات ایک طرف اور حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کا معجزہ معراج ایک طرف، تمام معجزات مل کر بھی معجزہ معراج کی ہمہ گیریت اور عالمگیریت کو نہیں پہنچ سکتے۔ یہ حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کا دائمی معجزہ ہے جس کی عظمت میں وقت کا سفر طے ہونے کے ساتھ ساتھ اضافہ ہوتا جائے گا اور نئے نئے کائناتی انکشافات سامنے آ کر معجزہ معراج کی حقانیت کی گواہی دیتے رہیں گے۔ ارتقاء کے سفر میں اٹھنے والا ہر قدم سفر معراج میں نقوش کف پا کی تلاش میں سرگرداں ہے۔ آقائے دو جہاں صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا کہ میں مکہ سے اٹھا اور براق پر سوار ہوکر بیت المقدس پہنچا، وہاں سے آسمانوں اور پھر وہاں سے عرش معلی تک گیا حتی کہ مکان و لامکاں کی وسعتیں طے کرتا ہوا مقام قاب و قوسین پر پہنچا اور پھر حسن مطلق کا بے نقاب جلوہ کیا۔

Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"

Importance of Waqea-e-Mairaaj

Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"

Waqea-i-Mairaaj - Ghair Muslim ki Gawahee

Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

مسلمانو ں کی ذمہ داریاں

وہ ذمہ داریاں کیا ہیں؟ وہ صرف یہی نہیں ہیں کہ خُدا پر، اُس کے فرشتوں پر، اُس کی کتابوں پر، اُس کے رسولوں پراور یوم آخرت پر ایمان لائیں۔ وہ صرف اتنی بھی نہیں ہیں کہ آپ نماز پڑھیں، روزہ رکھیں، حج کریں اور زکٰوۃ دیں۔ وہ صرف اتنی بھی نہیں ہیں کہ آپ نکاح، طلاق، وراثت وغیرہ معاملات میں اسلام کے مقرر کئے ہوئے ضابطے پر عمل کریں، بلکہ اِن سب کے علاوہ ایک بڑی بھاری ذمہ داری آپ پر بھی عائد ہوتی ہے کہ آپ تمام دُنیا کے سامنے اِس حق کے گواہ بن کر کھڑے ہوں جس پر آپ ایمان لائے ہیں۔ “مسلمان“ کے نام سے آپ کو ایک مستقل اُمت بنانے کی واحد غرض جو قُرآن میں بیان کی گئی ہے وہ یہی ہے کہ آپ تمام بندگان خُدا پر شہادت حق کی حجت پوری کر دیں ۔“اور اسی طرح تو ہم نے تمہیں ایک “اُمت وسط“ بنایا ہے تاکہ تم دُنیا کے لوگوں پر گواہ ہو اور رسول تم پر گواہ ہو“یہ آپ اُمت کا عین مقصد وجود ہے جسے آپ نے پورا نہ کیا تو گویا اپنی زندگی ہی اکارت گنوا دی۔یہ آپ پر خُدا کا عائد کیا ہوا فرض ہے کیونکہ خُدا کا حُکم یہ ہے کہ“اے لوگو جو ایمان لائے ہو۔ خُدا کی خاطر اُٹھنے والے اور ٹھیک ٹھیک راستے کی گواہی دینے والے بنو“اللہ تعالیٰ فرماتا ہے کہ“اُس شخص سے بڑھ کر ظالم اور کون ہوگا جس کے پاس اللہ کی طرف سے ایک گواہی ہو اور وہ اسے چھپائے“پھر اللہ تعالیٰ نے آپ کو یہ بھی بتا دیا ہے کہ اس فرض کو انجام نہ دینے کا نتیجہ کیا ہے۔ آپ سے پہلے اس گواہ کے کٹہرے کئے گئے تھے مگر انہوں نے کچھ تو حق کو چھپایا اور کچھ حق کے خلاف گواہی دی اور فی الجملہ حق کے حق کے نہیں بلکہ باطل کے گواہ بن کر رہ گئے۔ نتیجہ یہ ہوا کہ اللہ نے انہیں دھتکار دیا اور ان پر وہ پھٹکار پڑی کہ“ ذلت وخواری اور پستی وبد حالی ان پر مسلط ہوگئی اور وہ اللہ کے عذاب میں گھر گئے“یہ شہادت جس کی ذمہ داری آپ پر ڈالی گئی ہے اس سے مراد یہ ہے کہ جو حق آپ کے پاس آیا ہے ،جو صداقت آپ پر منکشف کی گئی ہے، آپ دُنیا کے سامنے اس حق اور صداقت ہونے پر اور اس کے راہ راست ہونے پر گواہی دیں ۔ایسی گواہی جو اس حق اور راستی ہونے کو مبرہن کردے اور دُنیا کے لوگوں پر دین کی حجت پوری کردے۔اسی شہادت کے لئے انبیاء علیہم السلام دُنیا میں بھیجے گئے تھے اور اس کا ادا کرنا ان پر فرض تھا۔ پھر یہی شہادت تمام انبیاء کے بعد ان کی اُمتوں پر بحیثیت مجموعی اسی طرح عائد ہوتا ہے جس طرح حضور پر آپ کی زندگی میں شخصی حیثیت سے عائد تھا۔ لیکن آج اس کے باوجود ہم حق کی بات کرنے سے کتراتے ہیں کہ کہیں ہمیں کوئی دُنیاوی نقصان نہ ہوجائے۔

Laal Masjid

Kya Ap Islam Main Masjid Ka Maqam Jantay Hain?
Har Muslim Ko Pata Hona Chahiye K Masjid Ka Maqam Kya Hai?

HAZRAT MUHAMMAD S.AW Ne Farmaya ''ALLAH TALAH Ki Sub Se Pasandida Jaga MASJID Hai Or Sub Se Buri Jaga Bazaar Hain''
Aap S.A.W K Is Qol Se Masjid Ki Ahmiat Jani Ja Sakti Hai. Islam Main Masjid Ka Ye Maqam Hai K Jaha Aik Dafa Masjid Bun Jaye To Waha Dubara Koi Cheez Nahi Bun Sakti Us Ko Giraya Nahi Ja Skta. Agar Masjid Kisi Ki Zameen Par Qabza Kr K Bnai Jaye To Islam Main Hukum Hai K Wo Masjid Gira Di Jaye Or Jis Ki Zameen Hai Wo Usay De Di Jaye.
ALHAMDU LILLAH Pakistan Main Jaga Jaga Msajid Qaim Hain Jo Pakistan K Musalmano Ki Islam Se Muhabbat Hai...Magar Kya Sirf Msajid Banane Se Hmari Zimadari Puri Ho Jati Hai?
Masjid Ko Bnanay Se Zimadari Puri Nahi Hoti Balkay Un Msajid Ko Abaad Krne Se Hmari Zimadari Puri Hoti Hai.ALLAH TALAH Ko Wo Log Sub Se Ziada Pasand Hain Jo Msajid Abaad Krtay Hain Or ALLAH Ke Naazdeek Sub Se Zalim Wo Hain Jo Msajid Ko Viraan Krtay Hain.Surah'' ALBAQRA'' Main ALLAH TALAH Irshaad Farmata Hai''or Us Shaks Se Ziada Or Kon Zalim Hoga Jo ALLAH TALAH Ki Masjido Main Un Ka Zikr (Or Ibadat) Kye Jane Se Bandish Kray Or Un K Wiraan Honay K Baray Main Koshish Kray''.Aisay Shaks K Baray Main ALLAH Ne Sakt Waeed Frmai Hai K ''Un Logo Ko Dunya Main B Ruswai Hogi Or Aakhirat Main B Azeem Sza Milay Gi''(PARA:1,AYOT: 114).LAAL MASJID Or Jamia HAFSA (R.A) Hmaray Mulk Ki Bari Msajid Or Madrsay Main Shumar Kye Jatay Hain. Pakistan K Musalmano K Lye Nihayat Sharam Ki Baat Hai K Muslim Riasat Hotay Hoye Aik Azeem Masjid SHAHEED Ki Gai....LAAL MASJID K Sanahay Ko 1 Saal Ho Chuka Hai. Aik Saal Pehle Islamabad Man 7 Msajid Shaheed Ki Gain Jis K Radde Amal Main Kuch Gairat Mand Muslims Is Zulm K Khilaaf Uth Kray Hoye.Un Ko Kis Zulm Ka Nishana Bnaya Gaya Ye To Boht Dardnaak Kahani Hai Jo Sub Pakistani Jantay Hain.Mere Pyaray Dais Main Ye Kaisa Khoon Ka Khail Khela Gaya K Aik Masjid Ko Shaheed Kia Gaya Us Par Bomb Barsaye Gaye.Waha 5 Waqt ALLAH K Hazoor Sar Ko Jhukane Walo Par Aise Bomb Barsaye Daye Jo Lohay Tk Ko Pigla Dete Thay.Kya Hmaray Dilon Main Ye Ahtaram Hai Msjid K Lye?ISLAM Main Apni Baat Kisi Dusray Tk Pohonchana Bilkul Jaiz Hai.Laal Masjid K Talaba O Talibat Ka Kya Ye Jurm Tha K Unho Ne Zulm Or Burai K Khilaaf Awaz Uthai Lekin Un Ko Aise Khamosh Kraya Gaya K Jaise Unho Ne Pakistan Par Hamla Kia Ho.Un Par Zulm K Pahar Toray Gaye. Un Ki Tazlil Ki Gaye Lekin Pakistani Qom Kuch Na Boli.....Aap Jantay Hain Laal Masjid Ko Wiraan Krne Ki Koshish Krnay Walay Kon Hain Or Un Ka Kya Haal Hoga Ye To ALLAH TALAH Hi Janta Hai... Is Sanahay Main Qasoor Waar Wo N.G.O's B Hain Jo Waise To Insaani Haqooq Ki Baat Krti Hain Lekin Jub Jamia Hafsa Main Masoom Betian Jin Ka Kam Islam Ki Taleemat Ko Seekhna Tha Un Ko Shaheed Kia Ja Rha Tha To In Naam Nihad Insaani Haqooq Ki Alam Bardaar N.G.O'S Ne Operation Ki Himayat Ki.Us Waqt Un Ko Insaani Haqooq Ka Khayal Kyu Nahi Aya..?America Ki To Baat Hi Na Krain Kyu K Wo To Chahta Hi Yahi Hai K Muslims Aapus Main Lrain Or Islam Ko Nuqsaan Pohonchay.Aj Hum B Unhi Msail Ka Shikar Hain Jo K Fard-E-Wahid Ne Laal Msjid Par Musallat Kye Thay.Un Par Pani Bund Kia Gaya Aj Hum Pani K Lye Parishan Hain. Un Par Bijli Bund Ki Gai Aj Hum Load Sheding K Azaab Se Guzar Rahay Hain Un Ko Khof Zda Kia Gaya Aj America Ki Foj Hmari Sarhad Par Bheti Hai Or Msjid Ko Shaheed Krne Walay Khof Zda Hain.Un Par Jasoos Helecopter Choray Gaye Aj American Helecopters Hmari Sarhad Ki Khilaf Warzi Krtay Hoye Begunah Logo Ko Maar K Chalay Jatay Hain Par Hmari Foj Kuch Nahi Krsakti.Un Ko Dhamkian Di Gai K Jaan Se Mar Diye Jao Gay Or Aj Wo Shaks Kabul K Mehel Main Beth Kr Hmay Dhamkian Day Rha Hai Jis Ko Pakistan Ne Mahajir Ki Hesiat Se Panah Di.Laal Masjid Ka Waqia Hmaray Zehno Par Kai Sawal Chor Gaya Hai.Hmay Apne Ap Ko Samjne Ka Moqa De Gaya Hai.Or Us Shaks Ka Asal Chehra Dikha Gaya Hai Jo ''Sub Se Pehle Pakistan'' Ki Baat Krta Ha...Hmaray Dilo Main ALLAH Ka Khof Khatam Ho Gaya Hai.Hum Dunya K Peechay Bhaag Rahe Hain Hmaray Hukmaran Hum Par Hi Zulm Kr Rahe Hain.Ye Sub Hmari Apne Mazhab Se Duri Ka Natija Hai Jo Aj Hum Msail Or Bohrano Main Phans Gaye Hain. Kitni Hairat Ki Baat Hai K Wo Shaks Abi Tk Masnad E Sdarat Par Bhetha Hai Jis Ne Pakistan K Musalmano Ko Itna Sadma Pohonchaya Or Msail Main Utar Dia K Aj Humay Un Bohrano Se Nikalne Ka Rasta Nahi Mil Raha.Muslims Main Kai Khamian Hain Jin Ko Door Krnay Ki Zrurat Hai Or In Min Sub Se Bri Khami Unity Ka Na Hona Hai.Ab B Moqa Hai K Hum Muttahid Ho Jayen Or ALLAH K AHKAMAT PAR AMAL KRAIN Or Hmesha Ye Dua Krain K Hmay Achay Hukmran Naseeb Ho Or Kbi Laal Masjid Jaisa Saniha Dubara Na Ho......

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The gift of Islam

This is the story of a newly-converted Muslim woman. I will call her Imaan, for although she is a new-Muslim, she has a faith that comes to many people only after countless hours of study and reflection. Her discovery and belief in Islam has come through such an unusual channel that its purity and innocence alone is refreshing. Imaan was born in Italy and migrated with her parents to Canada when she was small. She was educated in Roman Catholic parochial schools equipped with nuns and priests and the daily lessons in catechism. She says that they spoke endlessly of their homeland and without the intention, instilled in Imaan a yearning to see Italy. When she finished her university education, she went for a vacation to Italy and found it more lovely than she had imagined. She had found her passion in life and after much contemplation, she made the move and lived there for six years. She was never the materialistic type but more on the intellectual side and spent all her free time at museums and art galleries and Italian operas.
She says quite animatedly, if one wants to enjoy life, then Italy is the best place to go. In Italy, she met a Jordanian man and married him, moving immediately to Jordan. The fact that he was Arabic-speaking, and Muslim did not daunt her and she never gave it any other thought.
She disliked to leave Italy and felt homesick in the beginning. She was shocked by the Muslim way of dress and felt compassion for the veiled women. She saw her mother-in-law wake at Fajr for prayer and made up her mind that it was definitely not the religion for her.
Imaan always believed in God but was not a practising Christian. She had friends of both faiths in Jordan and she noticed some prejudice from the Christian Arabs towards the Muslims and thought perhaps because the Christians are a minority they felt threatened.
She was dismayed when a Christian who wanted to be Muslim had to run away from home to do so. Her family had warned her against it; there was nothing else she could do. She came to Saudi Arabia with her husband and, as happens to many women, she found herself with lots of time on her hands and spent it reflecting about what life means and the direction hers was taking. Being away from the mundane things forced her to re-evaluate her life. She recalled many happenings from Jordan and began to think about Islam. Imaan never contemplated becoming Muslim until her son began school. She wanted to know what it was he was learning and how she might be able to help him in his studies.
She thought that she should at least know what he expected of her. Her son is extremely intuitive and sensitive and she could tell that he was concerned about the souls of his parents. His father was not in the habit of taking him to the mosque, but when he was in first grade, he asked to go. This made a big impression on her coming from someone so young. She thought, could it be he knows something that I don't? A Muslim friend gave her a book about Islam entitled "Islam in Focus". She says she almost became convinced just from the introduction of the book.
From her continued reading, she found answers to Roman Catholic doctrines she had questioned long ago. For instance, how could it be that, if a child died before he was baptised that he would not go to heaven but instead stay in limbo? She learned that Islam teaches no form of original sin.
She also learned about Jesus in Islam. This was a big factor in that before converting she felt she would be turning her back on everything she had been taught; that he was God-made man and had died for our sins on the cross. Looking back, she realises how ridiculous it was. She understands that God does not make mistakes. He has sent us thousands of Prophets and now suddenly he comes to earth in the form of a man to convince mankind.
No, the Prophets were all men, chosen for a specific purpose. She understands that man has included these items in the religion and they are not from God. When some of her Christian friends learned of her intention to convert, they disappeared from her life instantly. She finds it difficult to comprehend that they are not interested in finding out the truth and she is sure they have the same doubts that she had.
People all over the world who had never heard of Islam before are becoming Muslim and the people who have been raised in Muslim countries deny the truth of Islam. Its incredible! She was worried that she would not be able to pray five times a day. Coming from a Christian background, it certainly seemed in-surmountable but she said it was so easy to do and she began to look forward to the next prayer time. Now she finds herself completely absorbed when she prays and is at peace and quite content that she has made the right choice. She often thinks about her six years in Italy being wasted, in that she could have spent that time learning about Islam. It is strange to think that she was once so happy there, enjoying all that life could offer. She says Alhamdulillah over and over for the gift of Islam.

The gift of Islam

This is the story of a newly-converted Muslim woman. I will call her Imaan, for although she is a new-Muslim, she has a faith that comes to many people only after countless hours of study and reflection. Her discovery and belief in Islam has come through such an unusual channel that its purity and innocence alone is refreshing. Imaan was born in Italy and migrated with her parents to Canada when she was small. She was educated in Roman Catholic parochial schools equipped with nuns and priests and the daily lessons in catechism. She says that they spoke endlessly of their homeland and without the intention, instilled in Imaan a yearning to see Italy. When she finished her university education, she went for a vacation to Italy and found it more lovely than she had imagined. She had found her passion in life and after much contemplation, she made the move and lived there for six years. She was never the materialistic type but more on the intellectual side and spent all her free time at museums and art galleries and Italian operas.
She says quite animatedly, if one wants to enjoy life, then Italy is the best place to go. In Italy, she met a Jordanian man and married him, moving immediately to Jordan. The fact that he was Arabic-speaking, and Muslim did not daunt her and she never gave it any other thought.
She disliked to leave Italy and felt homesick in the beginning. She was shocked by the Muslim way of dress and felt compassion for the veiled women. She saw her mother-in-law wake at Fajr for prayer and made up her mind that it was definitely not the religion for her.
Imaan always believed in God but was not a practising Christian. She had friends of both faiths in Jordan and she noticed some prejudice from the Christian Arabs towards the Muslims and thought perhaps because the Christians are a minority they felt threatened.
She was dismayed when a Christian who wanted to be Muslim had to run away from home to do so. Her family had warned her against it; there was nothing else she could do. She came to Saudi Arabia with her husband and, as happens to many women, she found herself with lots of time on her hands and spent it reflecting about what life means and the direction hers was taking. Being away from the mundane things forced her to re-evaluate her life. She recalled many happenings from Jordan and began to think about Islam. Imaan never contemplated becoming Muslim until her son began school. She wanted to know what it was he was learning and how she might be able to help him in his studies.
She thought that she should at least know what he expected of her. Her son is extremely intuitive and sensitive and she could tell that he was concerned about the souls of his parents. His father was not in the habit of taking him to the mosque, but when he was in first grade, he asked to go. This made a big impression on her coming from someone so young. She thought, could it be he knows something that I don't? A Muslim friend gave her a book about Islam entitled "Islam in Focus". She says she almost became convinced just from the introduction of the book.
From her continued reading, she found answers to Roman Catholic doctrines she had questioned long ago. For instance, how could it be that, if a child died before he was baptised that he would not go to heaven but instead stay in limbo? She learned that Islam teaches no form of original sin.
She also learned about Jesus in Islam. This was a big factor in that before converting she felt she would be turning her back on everything she had been taught; that he was God-made man and had died for our sins on the cross. Looking back, she realises how ridiculous it was. She understands that God does not make mistakes. He has sent us thousands of Prophets and now suddenly he comes to earth in the form of a man to convince mankind.
No, the Prophets were all men, chosen for a specific purpose. She understands that man has included these items in the religion and they are not from God. When some of her Christian friends learned of her intention to convert, they disappeared from her life instantly. She finds it difficult to comprehend that they are not interested in finding out the truth and she is sure they have the same doubts that she had.
People all over the world who had never heard of Islam before are becoming Muslim and the people who have been raised in Muslim countries deny the truth of Islam. Its incredible! She was worried that she would not be able to pray five times a day. Coming from a Christian background, it certainly seemed in-surmountable but she said it was so easy to do and she began to look forward to the next prayer time. Now she finds herself completely absorbed when she prays and is at peace and quite content that she has made the right choice. She often thinks about her six years in Italy being wasted, in that she could have spent that time learning about Islam. It is strange to think that she was once so happy there, enjoying all that life could offer. She says Alhamdulillah over and over for the gift of Islam.

Allah Almighty needs no partner

Allah emphasises in the Holy Qur'aan that the highest transgression against Him is the practice of "shirk" (polytheism) or to set up partner or partners with Him. If one believes that for one reason or another, Allah needs partner or partners to perform or do tasks in His Creation, one would nullify all his/her work and will end up as a loser in the hereafter. Unfortunately, people in the world practice this high crime against Allah with blatant ignorance and will fight against any one who advocates Allah Alone.
We have to go with our natural instinct of monotheism according to Allah's creation and do not set up partners with Him. Unhappiness follows immediately and in the hereafter one will end up debased. We have to remember that Allah is the One who provides for us. He is the Living, the Eternal, and not the dead prophets, messengers, saints or Imaams.
More blatant acts of shirk are practised when tombs of prophets and saints or Imaams are turned into sacred places or mosques and names other than Allah are called. Calling upon anything or anyone besides Allah constitutes "shirk".
Allah tells us that He is the Seer, the Hearer and Omnipotent. Why do we ask others besides Him for help? Have they created anything? Can they hear or see or help anyone? Previous messengers have warned about the evils associated with setting up partners with Allah and they were ridiculed and insulted. This is a tragedy for the people who practise the highest crime of "shirk" against Allah. We must remember that we were all gathered before coming to this life and were asked by Him if He is our Lord, and we all agreed that He is and bore witness to that.
Thus, on the Day of Judgement, we cannot claim that we were unaware of this. Remember that after this testimony and this covenant with Allah, we cannot go back to the pride of the days of ignorance. This amounts to breaking our covenant with Allah and an unforgivable offense.
Seeking help and protection from anything or anyone tantamounts to "shirk". Allah helps you when you remember Him, when you ask Him for help, when you seek guidance from Him. Commemoration of Allah is what the Holy Qur'aan emphasises for the people.
Remember that Satan is enticing people to follow methodologies not prescribed in the Holy Qur'aan. Do not respond to Satan, for he is your most ardent enemy.
The question that we owe to ourselves to ask is why ask any one besides Allah for anything? Is He not sufficient for His servants? Allah informs us that: When my servants ask you about Me, I am always near. I answer their prayers when they pray to Me. The people shall respond to Me and believe in Me, in order to be guided.
What more can we ask for? This is warning to those who blatantly practise the abomination of "shirk". Allah has promised hell as their abode. Practice of setting up partner with Him is a great injustice.

10 ways to earn hasanaat

1. Give a copy of Quran to someone and each time they read from it, you will gain hasanaat.

2. Donate a wheel chair to a hospital and each time a sick person uses it, you will gain hasanaat.

3. Share constructive reading material with someone.

4. Help in educating a child.

5. Teach someone to recite a dua. With each recitation, you will gain hasanaat.

6. Share a dua or Quran CD.

7. Participate in the building of a mosque.

8. Place a water cooler in a public place.

9. Plant a tree. Each time any person or an animal sits under it shade or eats from the tree, you will gain hasanaat.

10. Share this with someone. If one person applies any of the above you will receive your hasanaat until the Day of Judgment*

Fi Aman Allah

with best wishes and regards
Khurram Shahzad
+92 - 333 - 5127596
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صرف وہی چیز انسان کی قسمت میں ہے جس کے لیے وہ کوشش کرتا ہے۔ سورہ النجم آئت 39"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Laelaha Il Lal Laho

The meaning of this kalima is "there is none worthy of worship except ALLAH". ALLAH can do each and every single thing without the help of creature but creature can't do anything without the help of creator. ALLAH is the one who created 7 earth and 7 sky without the help of creature, who created mountains and make the birds fly in air. He is the one who created Human beings from black soil and the drop of water. Nowadays Muslims are saying ALLAH might be sleeping , he might be ignorant.

He is Rehman. He is al-seeing and al-hearing. What muslims are doing today don't think that ALLAH is ghafel. He is watching us every where whether we are on the earth or whether we are on the sky or whether we are in the jungle or wherever we are. ALLAH is hearing us and ALLAH is watching us. Please those who are using this website please make your intention right and make tauba(repent). One sin is enough to destroy whole Human beings. Please recognise your ALLAH what our ALLAH wants from us. May ALLAH give us the ability to act upon these certain points. AMEEN

Musalmano Ki Kamzorian

Dunya Main Taqreban 58 Mumalik Musalmano K Hain. Quran Pak Sub Se Zada Parhi Janay Wli Book Hai. Islam Hi Dunya Ka Dusra Bra Mazhab Hai Or Sub Se Tezi Se Phelnay Wal Mazhab Bhi. . . . Phir B Ham Ghulami Ki Zindagi Kyun Basar Kartey Hain? Hamara Asar O Rusookh Kyu Nahi Hai? Ham Hi Dunya Main Kyu Mzalim Ka Shikaar Hain? Har Jaga Muslim Hi Kyu Budnaam Hai? Quran Or Hazrat Muhammad S. A. W Ka Mazaq (Naoozo Billah) Kyu Bnaya Jata Hai?

Is Qisam K Bohot Se Swalaat Har Muslim K Zehen Main Atey Hain Lekin Jawabat Koi Nahi Sochta. Euorepian Mumalik Ne Apna Under Unity Paida Ki. Apni Aik Parliament Bnai K Un K Tamam Faislay Ittifaq Se Hu . Currency B Aik Hi Chalai Gai Aapus Main Rawabit Barhaye Gaye Jis Ka Ye Natija Hoa K Wo Dunya Main Aik Maqm Rakhtay Hain.

Muslims B To Dunay Ki 1. 5 Arab Abadi Hain Lekin Un Ko Wo Maqam Hasil Nahi Jo Non Musilms Countries Ka Hai? Is Sawal Ka Assan Sa Jawab Ye Ha K Muslims Main Unity Nahi Hai. O. I. C To Bana Li Lekin Kya Us Ki Koi Hesiat B Hai? Isi Waja Se Nahi Ha K Hum Unitid Nahi Hain. Hazrat Muhammad Saw Ne Farmya Tha K ''Meri Ummat Main Ikhtilaf Qayamat Tk Baqi Rahe Ga''. Jub Ummat Main Ikhtilaf Ki Jaga Mukhalifat Janm Le Gi To Hum Kamzur Ho Jaye Gay. Kuffar Is Bat Ka Faida Uthaye Gay K Ye To Aapus Main Hi Muttahid Nahi Hain. Is Bat Ka Natija Israel Ka Lebenon Par Hamla Tha Jo Wo Boht Dafa Kr Chuka Ha. Isi Mukhalifat Ki Waja Se Palistine K Awwam Azadi Hasil Nahi Kr Pa Rahey Kyu K Un Main Unity Nahi Hai. Hmay Unity Ki Zrurat Hai.

America Har Islami Mulk Se Faida Haasil Krta Ha Phir Us Ko Chor Deta Hai. Egypt Main Aik Aamir 26 Saal Se Sadar K Ohday Par Betha Ha Or Usay America Ki Himayat Hasil Ha. Iraq K Saddaam Hussain K Sath America Ne Kya Kia Ye Sub Jantay Hain.

Aap Khud Hi Sochain K U. N Jo America Ka Har Baat Manta Ha Us Ne Kabi Muslims K Right Ki Baat Ki Ya Aj Tak Palistine Ka Masla Hul Karwa Ska? India Par Koi Nhi Pabundian Lgata K Nuclear Bomb Kuy Bnaya Ya Kashmir Par Zulm Na Dhaao Us Ko Azad Kro? Lekin Jub Pakistan Ne Nuclear Dhamaka Kia To America Ki Dhamkia Agai. Iran Ne Pur Aman Maqasid K Lye Nuclear Plant Lgaya To Us Par Hamlay Ki Dhmakian Mil Rahi Hain. Hmay Unity Chahiye Jo Sirf Ikhtilafat Khatam Krnay Se Hi Haaasil Hogi.

Is Waqt Jub K Muslims Par Puri Dunya Main Zulm Ho Rha Hai Hmay Aik Honay Ki Zrurat Hai. ALLAH Talah Se Apne Gunaho Ki Maafi Mangne Ki Zrurat Hai Ta K ALLAH Hum Sub Ko Maaf Krday Or Apnay Khaas Karam Se Hmaray Darmian Ittihad Paida Kray Ameen. ALLAH Se Duaa Krain K Hmay Achay Or Insaaf Pasand Hukmran Nasseb Frmaye Ameen. Hmaray Pas Nijaat Ka Rasta ALLAH Se Madad Mangna Ha Or Apnay Ikhtilafat Ko Khatam Kr K Aik Hona Ha. Ye Nahi Sochna Chahiye K Main Alag Maslak Ko Manta Hu To Jo Meri Bat Nai Manta Wo Muslim Hi Nahi Ya Wo Ghalat Ha Main Sahi Hu. Hmay Ye Soch Khatam Krni Hai Or Aapus Main Pyaar Or Muhabbat Se Rehna Hai. Dua Karta Hu K ALLAH Hmay Unity Naseeb Kray Ameen Or Islam Ko Dunya Main Ghalba Naseeb Ho Ameen.